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Sandesh Patnurkar

MS Computer Science


  • Master of Science, Computer Science and Engineering.
  • State University of New York at Buffalo, NY, USA

    December 2018, GPA: 3.467/4

    Courses: Analysis of Algorithms, Database Systems, Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Data Intensive Computing, Computer Security, Computer Vision and Image Processing, Computer Architecture.

  • Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology.
  • Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad, MH, INDIA

    May 2017, GPA: 6.875/10

    Courses: Analysis of Algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming, Database Management Systems, Programming in Java, Data Structures, Theory of Computation, Microprocessor and Interfacing, Operating Systems, Information Retrieval, Computer Networks.


  • Programming:

  • Frameworks:

  • Operating Systems:

  • Tools and Services:


  • Relational Query Engine

    Feb - May 2018

    • Built a Relational Query Engine that evaluated SQL queries and gave their correct output.
    • Technologies used: Java.
  • Implementation of PCA and Apriori Algorithms

    Sept - Dec 2018

    • Implemented the PCA algorithm to reduce higher dimensional data to 2 dimensions from scratch.
    • Implemented the Apriori algorithm and the rule generation algorithm to find frequent itemsets in a gene dataset from scratch.
    • Technologies used: Python, NumPy Library.
  • Classification Algorithms

    Sept - Dec 2018

    • Classified data (both discrete and continuous) using nearest neighbour and decision tree algorithms that were implemented in Python from scratch with the help of NumPy and Pandas libraries.
    • Performed 10-fold cross validation to evaluate performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall and f-1 measure of both algorithms.
    • Technologies used: Python, NumPy and Pandas libraries.
  • Data Aggregation, Big Data Analysis and Visualization

    Feb-May 2018

    • Collected tweets and news articles on a topic of interest using R, processed the data using Python and Hadoop's MapReduce framework and visualized the data in a word-cloud using D3.js.
    • Technologies used: R, Python, Hadoop, HTML5, CSS3, D3.js.
  • Data Collection and Exploratory Data Analysis

    Feb - May 2018

    • Collected tweets on a topic of interest, extracted their geolocations and plotted a heat map to find out the locations from where most tweets were tweeted.
    • Technologies used: R.
  • To-Do App - MEAN Stack

    May - June 2018

    • Built a To-Do app using NodeJS as backend and AngularJS as frontend which was connected using ExpressJS. Used MongoDB as the database.
    • Improved the front end design using Google Material Design Lite. Designed it as a Student- Teacher application wherein students could only read the To-Dos and Teachers could add, delete and update the to dos.
    • Technologies used: MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS.
  • Spatial Pyramid Matching for Scene Classification

    Sep - Dec 2017

    • Built a scene classification system using Spatial Pyramid Matching based on bag-of-words approach.
    • Technologies used: MATLAB.
  • OS Process Scheduling Algorithms Simulator

    Aug 2016- May 2017

    • Built a simulator for various Operating Systems process scheduling algorithms. Implemented using J2EE technologies like JSP and Servlet and Database connectivity using MySQL.
    • Technologies used: Java, MYSQL.
  • Guessing game on FPGA board

    Feb - May 2018

    • Designed a guessing game using VHDL on Basys 3 FPGA board. 2 player game where first a user would enter a hex number through 16 slider switches and save it and player 2 would try and guess the correct number. Shows the number of attempts taken to guess in decimal after guessing the number correctly.
    • Technologies used: VHDL, Vivado.
  • Scale-Space Blob Detection

    Sep - Dec 2017

    • Implemented a Laplacian blob detector
    • Technologies used: MATLAB.
  • Homography and Fundamental Matrix Estimation

    Sep-Dec 2017

    • Implemented a robust homography and fundamental matrix estimation to register pairs of images seperated by a 2D or 3D projective transformation and stitched them together.
    • Technologies used: MATLAB.
  • Travel Web Application

    Jan - May 2016

    • A web application that gave best suitable travel means and routes based on budget constraint. Implemented in Java with database connectivity using MySQL and Web Page designing using HTML and CSS.
    • Technologies used: Java, JSP, HTML, CSS, MySQL.


  • Designing interfaces for people with disabilities

    Feb - May 2015

    • Discussed the different possible methods of designing interfaces for people with various kinds of disabilities.
  • Weather monitoring using Artificial Intelligence

    Feb - May 2016

    • Discussed how Machine Learning can be used to predict the weather.


  • Successfully cleared N-5 level in Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
  • Completed Deutsch (A1) German Course Exam of Goethe Institute format.

Extra-curricular activities

  • Taught English, Maths and Science to students from 5th grade to 10th grade at a private institute.
  • Served as Student-Alumni Team member at Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad
    • Managed and organized various events conducted by SAT including a Global Alumni Meet that was attended by over 2000 Alumni of our institute.
  • Won multiple awards in various Dance competitions.
  • Participated in Blind Coding Contest held at Wings event where we had to write a code for the given problem statement without looking at the window screen.
  • Participated in Code Ladder, a variation of Snake and Ladder where every correct answer to a Coding problem took you ahead and wrong one pulled you down.

Click here to view my resume.